Saturday, December 4, 2010

Final Report on PLN

I use Symbaloo as my PLN. Through this I can access many things. The most important things I can access are Blogger, YouTube, and Google. All three of these are things that I must have in EDM 310. For my personal use I have Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo! I also can look at CNN and the weather through my symbaloo. Symbaloo has been such a useful tool. I plan on continuing to use it after EDM 310.

Summary of C4K November and 12/5

I commented on Jkeega's post. He talks about the American math challenge. He like it because he gets to compete with other kids from the US. I commented back and told him that it sounded like fun! I also told him how it was great that he get to do this with kids from all over the US. I wished him luck during this challenge.
Click Here to Read His Post
Next I commented on Yasmines blog. She created a post called Winter Poem. In this poem, she talks about snow falling and a fire cracking. I commented on her poem and told her how creative her poem was. I also told her to keep up the good blogging, and that she was doing a great job!
Click Here to Read Winter Poem!

I commented on Danielle's post about Christmas. In the post she told about her Christmas plans. She also told about how much she loved the snow, seeing her family, and all the good food. She also told about getting 12 days off for Christmas! I commented back and told her how Christmas was my favorite holiday. I also told her how much I also loved spending time with my family. I told her how I wished it would snow here!
Click Here to go to Danielle's Post!

Summary of C4T #4

I commented on The first post I commented on was a post called, Gotta Stay Positive. In this post he describes having a bad day. He talks about how he took his frustrations out on the students. He also talked about having an attitude. I commented back and told him about my bad days and how I sometimes take my bad days out on the children at the daycare I work at. I told him to keep his head up and he would make it through it. The next post I commented on was called An accident of geography wont save us. This post was about children being isolated in the classroom. He talks about how children should be able to have learning communities outside of the classroom. I commented back and told him that I agreed. It seems like children stuck in the classroom all day are in jail. I agreed that children should be allowed to reach out and learn from others.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Additional Assignment #5

Just Teach Them to Solve for X:
This post was about teaching a math lesson. It talks about letting students use metaphors when learning. He says that metaphors are how we make sense out of the abstract. I believe using metaphors is math is a great idea. If a metaphor can help a child learn something, especially in a hard subject like math, it should be encouraged.
Sketchy Portraits:
This post was about eight graders. Everything in this post was very true. Older children, especially ones in eight grade, will test their boundaries. They want to be adults and children at the same time. It is our jobs to try and let them be this. Everything in the life of a child that age is constantly changing.
He Just Likes the Class for the Pencils:
I loved this post. It was my favorite! This post was about a metting with a child, parents, and some other teachers. The child had been acting up in all of the other classes but his. The other teachers say that it is because of the "pencils". This is not true at all, the child likes to be in his class because the child trusts him. Trust is such an important thing, especially for children. We should take time for each of our students, so that they can trust us.
The Medium Shapes the Learning:
This post was about him and his students. They were on a tour of Edison's film studios. He talks about how teachers think that they have the power to unchange a lesson with a medium. Actually, the medium shapes the learning.
Click Here To Go To Tom Johnson's Blog!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog Post #13

ALEX stands for Alabama Learning Exchange. This is a project of the Alabama Department of Education. It is designed to share many types of educational materials and information. This website allows teachers to share ideas and plans with other teachers
Through ALEX, you can look at lesson plans, listen to podcasts, and look at courses of studies. I will definantely use this website when I begin teaching. I think it would be silly not to. You can log on and look at lesson plans specific to subject and grade. ALEX also gives you links to professional learning programs. I believe ALEX will be very helpful to me when I become a teacher.

ACCESS stands for Alabama Connecting Classrooms Educators and Students Statewide. ACCESS's vision for the state of Alabama is to, provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning.
The goal of ACCESS is to continue to meet objectives of the ACCESS plan, expanding the availability of ACCESS Distance Learning to all public high schools in the state. ACCESS provides students with advanced diploma courses and additional courses. It provides teachers additional multimedia and tools to enhance instruction. ACCESS wants to provide a 21st century distance learning classrooms for every Alabama high school.

Click Here to go to ACCESS's Website! Click Here to go to ALEX!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Summary Post for Form

Click Picture To View Full Form

From this survey, I learned that most people want to become teachers becuase they love kids and want to make a difference. I thought all of the 18 people that answered would also put that they wanted the benefits but only two people put that. I thought that was surprising. Another thing that was intresting was that 16 out of the 18 will graduate in 2012 and only two will graduate in 2013. I learned alot from this survey!

Progress Report On Final Project

My group consist of Stephanie Belletty, Leah Davis, and myself. For this project, we have decided to make a movie. In this movie, we will go around and ask a few professors the pro's and con's and what they think of the Smart Board.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog Post #12

Watch the video and discuss how you will teach these children, when we dont know how the future will look!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Summary of C4K 3-7

For C4K number three, I commented on JohnLee's post. His post was called, Our Trip. He drew a picture of a boat on the water. I commented and told him how much I loved his drawing! I also told him how much I liked the colors that he used. On C4K number four, I commented on Emily's blog. She came up with a competition to find the cutest animal story. One of the rules were, that you had to be there to witness the story. I commented and told her how creative this was. For C4K number five, I commented on Liri's post about Cars. She told about how her class watched the movie Cars. She learned through this movie what a real friend is. I commented and told her that Cars was one of my favorie movies. I also told her that there is a lot that can be learned through watching Cars. For C4K six I was assigned to a student who had not published anything. I commented on another students post, but I forgot which one. I am on the search to try and find it. I should have written it down!! For C4K seven I commented on McKenna's post about Halloween. In her post, she talked about her Halloween plans. Her plans were to go trick or treating with her cousins. I commented and told her to enjoy this time while she was young. I also told her that I wished that I could still go trick or treating, because I have a lot of great memories from Halloween and trick or treating with my cousins.

Summary of C4T #3

I was assigned to comment on Brian Cosby's blog, Learning is Messy. On October 6th he published a blog called, Thanksgiving Lesson Ideas. In this blog, he tells about three years ago when his 5th grade was learning about American history. His class spent time talking about the first thanksgiving. He talked about what was really ate at the first thanksgiving. He brought in a 18 pound turkey, and the students brought the rest. His students then wrote what they thought about their Thanksgiving experiences. Six of his students had never celebrated thanksgiving, On October 22, I commented on this blog. I told him how fun this sounded and how it was good that the students also brought in food. This way, he would not kill himself making a ton of food for his class. I also said how it was a great idea for the students to write about it. It was especially good to get the input from the students who had never celebrated Thanksgiving. I thanked him for this idea, and told him how I would try this once I become a teacher. He has not published a post since this.

Click Here to go to the blog Learning is Messy!

Blog Post #11

First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class
It is amazing that first graders know how to do all of these things! By using a blog, the family members of the children can go comment and watch the progress of their children. The students also use WIki to learn about new things. I love how the students get into groups and make videos. It is good that they are learning how to collaborate at such a young age. Using skype in the classroom is also a very good idea. The students can learn from people all over the world. When I become a teacher I would love to let my children do blogs. I think it is such a good idea. I especially like the idea of family members and others to be able to comment. I believe that when the children get comments, it makes them feel special. I would also love to be able to use skype in the classroom. Letting the children listen and talk to people all over the world, would let them learn a lot. I do not see where there would be any problems with letting the children use these techniques in the classroom. If I did have parents or anyone who did not agree, I would talk to them about how technology will always be here, and that children need to learn how to use it!!
Click Here to Watch First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class

Click Here to Watch the Discussion with Ms. Cassidy and EDM310 Students

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Additional Assignment #3

Changing Education Paradigms
I think that the most important thing that Sir Kin Robinson said was that, how do we educate our children to take their place in the economics of the 21st century when we do not know what the economy will look like next week. This is so true, things are constantly changing. Even when we graducate and begin teaching, I am sure things will be different (hopefully) with education. The only thing that I disagreed with was what he said about children being with their age group. I do believe that we should keep the children with their age group. I know some children are smarter that others, but we must also look at the maturity of the children. I also agree that now a days a college degree, does not mean that you will have a job. I am so worried about graduating and not being able to find a teaching job in Mobile County! I also agree that some people are medicating children just so that they will listen and not get distracted in the classroom. I do not really know what I could do to address these issues. That is a hard question! I really enjoyed watching this video! It was well made and I loved the art work that was done. If I was to make a video like this I would want to be the narrator. I am definantely not a good artist, but I love to talk!
Click Here To Watch Changing Education Paradigms

Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog #10

An Open Letter to Educators
I agree that sitting and listening to a teacher lecture for hours, is boring!! I also agree that in these class the students are not encouraged to interact with each other. It sounds like her computer class is just like ours! Dr. Strange encourages and we are assigned to interact and collaborate with each other. Dan Borwn's video was really cool. It had some great points, that I definantely agree with! I liked his point about how the internet makes learning free. Like he said, the internet really is the greatest thing that has happend to us! Education really had done nothing really to change. If educational instutions do not do anything to change, the world will leave it behind, like Dan Brown did.
Click Here to Read and Watch An Open Letter to Educators!

Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home
I thought that this post by Tom Johnson was too funny! I definantely agree that we as teachers, or future teachers, need to find projects and activiites that keep the students intrested. This way, the student will not go home and play hang man! This was a great post to read!
Click Here To Read Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home!

Two Questions Than Can Change Your Life
The two questions were, What's my sentence? Was I better today than yesterday?
These two question are alot to think about. I agree that one should ask was I better today than yesterday, every night. This is a way to reflect on one's actions and decide if anything should change tomorrow. I think that my sentence is....... She just wants to finish college and to start making a difference in the lives of children!
Click Here to Watch the Video: Two Questions That Can Change Your Life

SMART Board Video

Friday, October 22, 2010

Skype Interview

Blog Post #9

What Ive Learned This Year
I really enjoyed reading this blog. I definantely agree with what he said about "reading the crowd" I believe that when I become a teacher I will do the same thing. I think that with being a first year teacher, one can be too concerned with impressing other people. We must remember that we are there to teach the children. The lessons should be fun and revolve around the kids. Being flexible in definantely important in education. Things will not always go the way they are planed. We as educators should be prepared for this. I am kind of a control freak, I like things done a certain way, so this will be my hardest thing to overcome. Communication is always important, in no matter what you do. We must try and get along with everyone, the other teachers, the janitors, and the principal. Without communication this would be impossible. It is also important to be reasonable and not hold too high of expectations. We have to remember that we are dealing with children. We should encourage and lift them up all the time, no matter what. I love when he said,"Adults everywhere are afraid of technology..." This is so true. At first technology can be a little bit confusing, but once you understand it, its a breeze. Listening to students is also very important. We should get to know the students outside of the classroom. Its never to late to learn something new! I loved reading this blog. Although the things that were talked about were simple, they are very important things to remember, especially in the first year of teaching.
Click Here to Read What Ive Learned This Year!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog Post #8

This is How we Dream Part 1&2
I agree that we do not work with pencils and paper anymore. We use our laptops for everything now. I take mine with me everywhere! Most of my teacher want work turned in electronically. You can do research in not just the library now. We can do all of our research online now.
We share knowledge and collaborate with people all over the world. Things online are changing and updating constantly. The best thing about the internet, is that you can do research and things for free. Resources and teachers who are willing and inspired are necessary though.
Today, you have to be able to write and work with multimedia. EDM310 is teaching me this. Its amazing how many teachers there are who blog. I had no idea! I do believe that my students will be able to do this. Students just need the resources and teacher who want to help them.

SmartBoard Arguments
The two critiques i thought were insane! I do not understand how someone does not think smart boards are not useful. I do agree that smart boards are expensive, but it enables teacher to be able to save things on the whiteboard. I went and observed my sister who is a teacher at Meadowlake, and her students love it! When I went, they were working on time and she drew on the smart board a clock and drew arrows to times. Her students absolutley loved it. I know she could have done this on a chalkboard, but it is more fun drawing on the smartboard. I do believe that before teachers are given a smart board, they must have traning on how to use it. A blog that I found about smart boards was This blog gives teachers fun ideas on how how to use their smart boards.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TimeToast 9b

Additional Assignment #2

Sugata Mitra's The Child-Driven Eucation definantely shows that children can teach themselves, when they are intrested in something. I believe that a self motivated learner, can teach themselves. All they need is the motivation and the intrest to learn. I do believe that children can teach themselves. As I said before, children just need to be intrested in the subject. Self learners need to have good conditions in order to learn effectively. They need a place to work and the resourses to learn. Computers and the internet play a MAJOR role in self learning. A person can go to google and type in a question, and have the question answered in seconds. The internet is very useful in learning, you just need to stay motivated, and not get distracted. Motivation is also a key in self learning. If someone is not intrested in learning, it will not happen. It can be hard to stay motivated, but motivation is a necessity. In order to motivate someone to learn, I belive the person doing the motivating needs to be helpful and intrested. If the person sees how much you enjoy learning, or a subject, they also will want to try and learn it as well. A way that I like to keep myself motivated is, going to schools and seeing children learn. It is going to be so rewarding to actually be in a classroom with my students and teaching them. So when i get discouraged, I just think about the children I will one day be helping. I believe that if someone is not motivated, they will not learn. If someone does not want to do something, they will not do it. I think people teach themselves things everyday. We teach ourselves how to interact with certain people and how to deal with situations everday. Teacher are needed to learn. It is true that a child can just get on the internet and learn anything they want, but a teacher is there to guide them. I really enjoyed the video, it was amazing to see how quickly the children learned how to use the computers.

Friday, October 8, 2010


TimeToast Individual Project 9a

Summary of C4T #2

The second teacher I was assigned to was teachernz. The first video I commented on was, Internet for peace. This video was about how the internet should win the Nobel Peace Prize. I commented and said how I agree. The internet connects so many people. People from America can talk to people in China with just one click, it is amazing! The second video was called Evolution 1.0 Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. This video talks about how interactive the internet is. The internet changes gradually. It can remember what websites we like, what music we like, and what kind of products we like. The internet is used in everyday things, like the washing machien. The internet is very intellengent. It meets our needs and wishes everyday. It was kind of like out own personal assisstant. I commented on the video and said how I never knew the internet was involved in the washing machien. I also said how I have never thought about it, but it is kind of creepy how much we rely on the internet.

Blog Post #7

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Achieving Your Chilhood Dreams
WOW THIS VIDEO WAS AMAZING! At the beginning of the video Randy Pausch tell us of his cancer. Even though he said not to pity him, I did. How could you not? He was content with what was going on, and he was living his life to the fullest.
Mr. Pausch tells his his childhood dreams. Eventually all of them come true. He described the brick walls we face in life, as ways to show ourselves how badly we want something. I could not agree more, it is about pushing yourself to the fullest and pushing through the walls. Brick walls are also ways of keeping people who dont actually want something out. We have to strive for what we want and work hard for it.
One way of learning he describes was, inderect learning. Inderect learning, or "head fake", is making people think they are doing one thing, while actually teaching them another thing. An example that he used was putting children into sports, such as swimming or football. They think they are only learning football, but they are learning a lot of things. Children learn how to play together, team work, and perseverance through sports.
He introduced a class called, Building Virtual Worlds. It was amazing to see what his students could do. He used a project based curriculum. He said that you could tell how a group of students are working together, by their body language. Mr. Pausch also advised us, not to loose our childhood wonder. Our childhood wonder is such an important thing to keep in mind. With out his wonder, he would have not accomplished everything he had. He also tells us never to give up, HAVE FUN, tell the trutch, and cherish feedback. He said that feedback is a very important thing. The people who give us feedback want us to succeed, or they would have let us keep doing the wrong thing.
This video was so inspiring! I am so glad that Dr. Strange assigned this to us! I am not going to lie, when he brought out the cake to his wife and everyone sang happy birthday, I got a little emotional. Mr. Pausch seems like such an amazing man. At the end of the video he tells us his two "head fakes" about his speech. The first one was that people need to lead their life the right way, and dream will find you. The second one was that this speech was not for the audience, it was for his three children. I also got a little emotional when he told that. He gave this speech, so that his kids could go back after he is gone, and get advice from him. I LOVED IT!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Assignment #6

The Networked Student
I really liked the way that this video was set up. The humming at the beginning was funny. I also liked how the paper was used to tell the story. The drawings were also very good.
This video was so cool, I really enjoyed it! The way that his class and teacher was used, is kind of how EDM310 is set up. Dr. Strange is teaching us the same skills his teacher was using. He is teaching us how to be connected to the world! I agree that college, maybe even some high school classes should be run like this. However, I think that elementary and middle school children should be in a classroom with a teacher they see everyday.
I believe that EDM310 is preparing me to be a teacher of the networked student. I have learned so many new things through EDM310, that so many children already know how to use. We as teachers need to be prepared, the world and technology is changing everyday, and we need to know how to use it.

7th Grader PLN
I agree that a student must be responsible with technology. A student with so much freedom with technology needs to learn responsibility. There are so many distractions on the internet, it is kind of hard to keep on task. I like how she gets to decide how, and when she does her assignments. This student was very organized and prepared.

The Machine is Changing Us
This video was very intresting. He brought up so many things. I for one dont understand the obsession with American Idol, like him. The television is a daily part of the lives of people. I really liked his brief history of whatever. Whatever has so many definitions. I also agree that one must create our own identity and recognition. The videos he used were very funny.

Summary of C4K Comment 1&2

The student that I was assigned to was zackerym.student. The first thing that I commented on was his learning manifesto. In his manifesto, he talked about becoming a better student and listening to his teachers. I commented and told him how  much I enjoyed his manifesto. I also told him how important it was to listen to his teachers, to bring all of his materials to class, and to turn in his assignments on time. I commented on his about me too. Zackery is 13 years old. He likes baseball and playing video games. He also talked about his family and how important they were to him. I commented and introduced myself. I told him that family should be the most important thing to him. I also talked about baseball.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog Assignment #5

Eagle Nest Radio and Class Blog
I thought that this podcast was adorable! When I become a teacher, I hope to be able to upload cute stuff like this! If third graders are able to do a podcast, we certainly should be able to. I also learned some stuff about Rome while listening to this!

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
There are several benefits for teacher uploading podcasts for their students. One reason is that the student can listen to it any time of day, and as many times as needed. If a teacher records their lectures, the student can go back and listen to them as a review. I agree that it is a very good tool to use if a student is absent, or sick. It allows student who are absent a chance to keep up with the rest of the class. Podcasting is also a very good way for parents to stay involved. The parents can go listen to the podcast and be able to know what their child is learning.

100 Ways to Use Your Ipod to Learn and Study Better
Ipods can be used for so many things. You can listen to music, watch videos, and play games. But who ever thought of using it for learning? There are so many useful apps out there. You can learn Spanish, add the Bible, and even add educational videos and quizzes. Its amazing what technology can do!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog Assignment #4

Dont Teach Your Kids This Stuff
I loved this post! How can you not keep children from all of those things? It is impossible! I really like the ending. I think that it would be interesting to see how big of a difference technology makes in the lives of children. The children who did not use technology would be farther behind that those students who did use technology.
Scott McLeod is an associate professor in the Educational Administration program at Iowa University. He is also the director os CASTLE, the only center dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators. He was the co-creator of the Did You Know video, as well.

The iSchool Initiative
I think that this would be really cool. It would for sure cut down on expenses. This could possibly happen one day, and that is why we should be teaching children how to use this technology. I did not know that there were so many cool apps that could be used for education.
However, I do think students being in the classroom is important.  Face to face communication is so important between students and their teachers. I also think that the test should be taken with a pencil and paper. I really like how the parent could check on their childs progress just through a computer. This would make parent more aware of what their child has due and how they are doing.

The Lost Generation
I really like the technique that was used in this video. When the words were scrolling up, it was sad. But when the words were scrolling down it made the video happy. Just putting the words in reverse made the video completely different.

Virtual Choir
I think it is crazy that none of these people actually met. It is just amazing what can be done on the internet. I think that we should be so lucky to be able to use and learn from the internet. It can be used to our advantage.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

I think that google squared is very useful for education. It allows stuents to search for a specific thing. Google squared builds a table for the thing, which you are looking for. You can add columns, and google squared will find what you are looking for. Wolfram Alpha is also a very useful tool in education. When you do a search in wolfram alpha, it gives you what you are looking for, pictures, and graphs. These websites are a good way for students to find out information. I had never heard of these before. I will for sure be using them, now that I know about them. It also helped me understand the Did You Know video. There are not that many people that speak english in China like I thought. There are just alot less people who live there than here. It makes sense now!! ScreenShot by Kindra Blackwell

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #3

Vision of Students Today
I really enjoyed this video. I absolutley hate big lecture halls! Thankfully, I have only had to take two classes with over 100 students. I like to be able to communicate and ask questions if I dont understand something, and that is impossible in a big lecture hall. Most of my classes have about 30 students in them, and that is plenty!
One of the things that really stood out to me, was the sign about spending hundreds of dollars on books and never opening them. I think professors need to be honest and just tells us to get the book or not. I hate when teachers use chalkboards! This is 2010 teachers should be using technology, not dirty useless chalk. If I were to add anything to this video about my experiences here at south, I would add something about time. I spend more time dealing with traffic, finding a parking space, and walking to class than I actually spend in class.
Its Not About the Technology
I definantely that the educational community muse all recognize the need for change. Teachers are divided on their ways, some have embraced and use technology, while others still use chalk and a blackboard. I also agree that teachers need to be up to date on trends, research, and tools. We must be self motivated and want to learn new things.
If a child has not learned, no matter how hard we try, no work has been done. Children learn differently and it is our jobs to help them. If you put new and useful technology in the hands of a non willing teacher, the technology becomes a waste of time and money.
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher
I thought it was hillarious what was said said about how if school inspectors are technologically illiterate they should find a new profession. It is not ok to to not understand technology. I like what he said about how not understanding math was socially acceptable. So many people think this was, myself included! I hate math! :)
I agree that technology is not taking over education, it is just a way to better our teaching and growing. Teachers should be willing to take the step, and learn how to use technology. Teachers need to be able to explore, in order to help their students. He is very right about still teaching students for an age that no longer exsist. I tried to comment on his blog, but it wouldnt let me. It kept saying that I did not type the letters correctly for the spam prevention, but I did type them correctly!
Social Media Count
I really liked this! Its crazy to think how many people are blogging, on facebook, and who are on twitter. I think that it is impossible to know exactly what the future holds. With so many rapid changes anything could happen!
I do think however that with so many changes happening, teachers will always be around. I think that the new technology can only help our jobs. Its a way for students to find answers for their questions, and to learn about different cultures and people.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Google Slideshow Presentation

Summary of C4T#1

The teacher that I was assigned to was Beth Still. On the first blog that I commented on, she talked about beginning her sixth year of teaching. She said that the first day of school is a team teaching day, and they do not teach any new content. Beth says that her relationships with her students are very important. She says that her and her students trust each other, they know that she has their backs. I commented back and told her congrats on her sixth year. I also told her how important it was to have a good relationship with her students. I agreed with her, and told her how the first day should be a get to know you day and nothing new should be taught. On her next post, she told us about a boy who would not open up and talk to her, from the previous year. She has that same student again this year, and he still wouldnt talk to her. One day she was helping him in class with a project, and she saw where he was a fan of the three stoges. She began talking to him about a certain episode. As soon as she began talking about it he started opening up and talking to her. I commented back and told her that I was glad that he finally started talking. I also told her how funny it was that something so simple can help them have a better relationship.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Blog Assignment #2

Did You Know Video
I thought that this video was so cool. Its amazing how someone could know all of those facts. I liked the song and how the video was presented. This video was very well made, I loved all of the graphics that were used.
The most interesting fact that I saw on the video was that, China will soon be the number one english speaking country in the world. China is such a big country and its amazing to think how many people live there. I wonder why so many speak english and not chinese?

Mr. Winkle Wakes Up
I thought that this video was very funny. When Mr. Winkle awakes he finds that so many things have changes about the world. Its crazy to think that 100 years ago the world was much different than what it is today. We are so obsessed with technology today that most of us would not have survived back then.
One thing that has not changed is the school. Mr. Winkle goes to the school and sees that the students are bored and listening to their teacher lecture, he does see a dusty computer in the very back of the classroom. I think it's sad that some teachers are still not using technology in their classrooms. Children, when monitored, could learn so many things from the internet. Technology not only would help children learn, it would make their day more interesting.

The Importance of Creativity
I though that Ken Robinson was absolutley right, we have no idea what the world will look like five years from now. Technology is constantly changing and improving. We do not know what kind of jobs there will be either, because of this constant change.
Children are so creative. Mr. Robinson said that children grow out of creativity, because they are afraid of being wrong. We should encourage children to use their creativity and to not be afraid of it. He also stated in public eduaction arts and music are always at the bottom of the list. I think that music and art should be taught just as often as math and science is taught.

Harness Your Students Digital Smarts
I loved this video. I think that Mrs. Davis' was of teaching is amazing. We need to be teaching students how to use technology. Today so many things have to do with technology and if we do not teach children how to use it they will be lost. Students need to be comfortable using todays technology.
Not only does technology teach, it is a way to stay connected with students and people all over the world. When I graduate and have a classroom of my own, I hope to be able to do what Mrs. Davis does. She lets her students google their questions that they have, she does not just give them all of the answers. Her students are also able to teacah her new things.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

Hello! My name is Kindra Blackwell and this is my third year at South. My major is elementary education and I cant wait to have a classroom of my own.  I grew up here in Mobile, and I attended Mobile Christian School, I graduated in 2008. I have always loved kids. I though about becoming a pediatric nurse, but after doing a summer scrubs program here in Mobile, I decided it was not for me. I knew that I wanted to work with kids, so teaching was my next choice. I work at Knollwood Christian School as an after school care teacher, and I love every second of it. It can be stressfull at times, but I would not change it for anything. I love Alabama football, and just recently I have become a hockey fan. I love going to Biloxi and watching their hockey team, The Mississippi Surge. My family and friends mean the world to me. My sister is a third grade teacher at Meadowlake Elementary, I love to go up there and help her. My cousins are by best friends and I dont know what I would do without them!