Saturday, September 11, 2010

Summary of C4T#1

The teacher that I was assigned to was Beth Still. On the first blog that I commented on, she talked about beginning her sixth year of teaching. She said that the first day of school is a team teaching day, and they do not teach any new content. Beth says that her relationships with her students are very important. She says that her and her students trust each other, they know that she has their backs. I commented back and told her congrats on her sixth year. I also told her how important it was to have a good relationship with her students. I agreed with her, and told her how the first day should be a get to know you day and nothing new should be taught. On her next post, she told us about a boy who would not open up and talk to her, from the previous year. She has that same student again this year, and he still wouldnt talk to her. One day she was helping him in class with a project, and she saw where he was a fan of the three stoges. She began talking to him about a certain episode. As soon as she began talking about it he started opening up and talking to her. I commented back and told her that I was glad that he finally started talking. I also told her how funny it was that something so simple can help them have a better relationship.

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