Vision of Students Today
I really enjoyed this video. I absolutley hate big lecture halls! Thankfully, I have only had to take two classes with over 100 students. I like to be able to communicate and ask questions if I dont understand something, and that is impossible in a big lecture hall. Most of my classes have about 30 students in them, and that is plenty!
One of the things that really stood out to me, was the sign about spending hundreds of dollars on books and never opening them. I think professors need to be honest and just tells us to get the book or not. I hate when teachers use chalkboards! This is 2010 teachers should be using technology, not dirty useless chalk. If I were to add anything to this video about my experiences here at south, I would add something about time. I spend more time dealing with traffic, finding a parking space, and walking to class than I actually spend in class.
Its Not About the Technology
I definantely that the educational community muse all recognize the need for change. Teachers are divided on their ways, some have embraced and use technology, while others still use chalk and a blackboard. I also agree that teachers need to be up to date on trends, research, and tools. We must be self motivated and want to learn new things.
If a child has not learned, no matter how hard we try, no work has been done. Children learn differently and it is our jobs to help them. If you put new and useful technology in the hands of a non willing teacher, the technology becomes a waste of time and money.
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher
I thought it was hillarious what was said said about how if school inspectors are technologically illiterate they should find a new profession. It is not ok to to not understand technology. I like what he said about how not understanding math was socially acceptable. So many people think this was, myself included! I hate math! :)
I agree that technology is not taking over education, it is just a way to better our teaching and growing. Teachers should be willing to take the step, and learn how to use technology. Teachers need to be able to explore, in order to help their students. He is very right about still teaching students for an age that no longer exsist. I tried to comment on his blog, but it wouldnt let me. It kept saying that I did not type the letters correctly for the spam prevention, but I did type them correctly!
Social Media Count
I really liked this! Its crazy to think how many people are blogging, on facebook, and who are on twitter. I think that it is impossible to know exactly what the future holds. With so many rapid changes anything could happen!
I do think however that with so many changes happening, teachers will always be around. I think that the new technology can only help our jobs. Its a way for students to find answers for their questions, and to learn about different cultures and people.
Great points Kindra?
ReplyDeleteI liked what you had to say about textbooks. I think the party is almost over for the textbook publishers. The world is changing and going digital. Whether the powers that be like it or not textbooks will have to follow or get out of the way.
Your blog is looking good. be sure you proof read before posting. Otherwise, keep up the good work. SS
Thank you for your comment! I will try and watch my grammar more closely!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you both. Textbooks are becoming a thing of the past. I have a course that requires that you buy an Ebook online and you just print out the pages that you need as you go along, plus the book is only 25 dollars not 100!
ReplyDeleteTeachers should be up to date with technology so that they utilize their resources around them and also teach students to use technology that will probably be used in the workforce today.
I agree with you 100%. Technology is just a means to help you become a better teacher. We should look at technology simply as a resource to better our educational foundation.
I agree I hate big lecture halls too. Before I changed my major to elementary education it was biomedical sciences. I felt like just another jag number in the computer or something.There was no connection between me and the professor. The parking situation at south is ridiculous. Trying to catch the JagTran and get to class on time is almost impossible. I also like how you stated that technology is not taking over the class its just a tool to help teachers.