Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog Assignment #5

Eagle Nest Radio and Class Blog
I thought that this podcast was adorable! When I become a teacher, I hope to be able to upload cute stuff like this! If third graders are able to do a podcast, we certainly should be able to. I also learned some stuff about Rome while listening to this!

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
There are several benefits for teacher uploading podcasts for their students. One reason is that the student can listen to it any time of day, and as many times as needed. If a teacher records their lectures, the student can go back and listen to them as a review. I agree that it is a very good tool to use if a student is absent, or sick. It allows student who are absent a chance to keep up with the rest of the class. Podcasting is also a very good way for parents to stay involved. The parents can go listen to the podcast and be able to know what their child is learning.

100 Ways to Use Your Ipod to Learn and Study Better
Ipods can be used for so many things. You can listen to music, watch videos, and play games. But who ever thought of using it for learning? There are so many useful apps out there. You can learn Spanish, add the Bible, and even add educational videos and quizzes. Its amazing what technology can do!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog Assignment #4

Dont Teach Your Kids This Stuff
I loved this post! How can you not keep children from all of those things? It is impossible! I really like the ending. I think that it would be interesting to see how big of a difference technology makes in the lives of children. The children who did not use technology would be farther behind that those students who did use technology.
Scott McLeod is an associate professor in the Educational Administration program at Iowa University. He is also the director os CASTLE, the only center dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators. He was the co-creator of the Did You Know video, as well.

The iSchool Initiative
I think that this would be really cool. It would for sure cut down on expenses. This could possibly happen one day, and that is why we should be teaching children how to use this technology. I did not know that there were so many cool apps that could be used for education.
However, I do think students being in the classroom is important.  Face to face communication is so important between students and their teachers. I also think that the test should be taken with a pencil and paper. I really like how the parent could check on their childs progress just through a computer. This would make parent more aware of what their child has due and how they are doing.

The Lost Generation
I really like the technique that was used in this video. When the words were scrolling up, it was sad. But when the words were scrolling down it made the video happy. Just putting the words in reverse made the video completely different.

Virtual Choir
I think it is crazy that none of these people actually met. It is just amazing what can be done on the internet. I think that we should be so lucky to be able to use and learn from the internet. It can be used to our advantage.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

I think that google squared is very useful for education. It allows stuents to search for a specific thing. Google squared builds a table for the thing, which you are looking for. You can add columns, and google squared will find what you are looking for. Wolfram Alpha is also a very useful tool in education. When you do a search in wolfram alpha, it gives you what you are looking for, pictures, and graphs. These websites are a good way for students to find out information. I had never heard of these before. I will for sure be using them, now that I know about them. It also helped me understand the Did You Know video. There are not that many people that speak english in China like I thought. There are just alot less people who live there than here. It makes sense now!! ScreenShot by Kindra Blackwell

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #3

Vision of Students Today
I really enjoyed this video. I absolutley hate big lecture halls! Thankfully, I have only had to take two classes with over 100 students. I like to be able to communicate and ask questions if I dont understand something, and that is impossible in a big lecture hall. Most of my classes have about 30 students in them, and that is plenty!
One of the things that really stood out to me, was the sign about spending hundreds of dollars on books and never opening them. I think professors need to be honest and just tells us to get the book or not. I hate when teachers use chalkboards! This is 2010 teachers should be using technology, not dirty useless chalk. If I were to add anything to this video about my experiences here at south, I would add something about time. I spend more time dealing with traffic, finding a parking space, and walking to class than I actually spend in class.
Its Not About the Technology
I definantely that the educational community muse all recognize the need for change. Teachers are divided on their ways, some have embraced and use technology, while others still use chalk and a blackboard. I also agree that teachers need to be up to date on trends, research, and tools. We must be self motivated and want to learn new things.
If a child has not learned, no matter how hard we try, no work has been done. Children learn differently and it is our jobs to help them. If you put new and useful technology in the hands of a non willing teacher, the technology becomes a waste of time and money.
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher
I thought it was hillarious what was said said about how if school inspectors are technologically illiterate they should find a new profession. It is not ok to to not understand technology. I like what he said about how not understanding math was socially acceptable. So many people think this was, myself included! I hate math! :)
I agree that technology is not taking over education, it is just a way to better our teaching and growing. Teachers should be willing to take the step, and learn how to use technology. Teachers need to be able to explore, in order to help their students. He is very right about still teaching students for an age that no longer exsist. I tried to comment on his blog, but it wouldnt let me. It kept saying that I did not type the letters correctly for the spam prevention, but I did type them correctly!
Social Media Count
I really liked this! Its crazy to think how many people are blogging, on facebook, and who are on twitter. I think that it is impossible to know exactly what the future holds. With so many rapid changes anything could happen!
I do think however that with so many changes happening, teachers will always be around. I think that the new technology can only help our jobs. Its a way for students to find answers for their questions, and to learn about different cultures and people.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Google Slideshow Presentation

Summary of C4T#1

The teacher that I was assigned to was Beth Still. On the first blog that I commented on, she talked about beginning her sixth year of teaching. She said that the first day of school is a team teaching day, and they do not teach any new content. Beth says that her relationships with her students are very important. She says that her and her students trust each other, they know that she has their backs. I commented back and told her congrats on her sixth year. I also told her how important it was to have a good relationship with her students. I agreed with her, and told her how the first day should be a get to know you day and nothing new should be taught. On her next post, she told us about a boy who would not open up and talk to her, from the previous year. She has that same student again this year, and he still wouldnt talk to her. One day she was helping him in class with a project, and she saw where he was a fan of the three stoges. She began talking to him about a certain episode. As soon as she began talking about it he started opening up and talking to her. I commented back and told her that I was glad that he finally started talking. I also told her how funny it was that something so simple can help them have a better relationship.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Blog Assignment #2

Did You Know Video
I thought that this video was so cool. Its amazing how someone could know all of those facts. I liked the song and how the video was presented. This video was very well made, I loved all of the graphics that were used.
The most interesting fact that I saw on the video was that, China will soon be the number one english speaking country in the world. China is such a big country and its amazing to think how many people live there. I wonder why so many speak english and not chinese?

Mr. Winkle Wakes Up
I thought that this video was very funny. When Mr. Winkle awakes he finds that so many things have changes about the world. Its crazy to think that 100 years ago the world was much different than what it is today. We are so obsessed with technology today that most of us would not have survived back then.
One thing that has not changed is the school. Mr. Winkle goes to the school and sees that the students are bored and listening to their teacher lecture, he does see a dusty computer in the very back of the classroom. I think it's sad that some teachers are still not using technology in their classrooms. Children, when monitored, could learn so many things from the internet. Technology not only would help children learn, it would make their day more interesting.

The Importance of Creativity
I though that Ken Robinson was absolutley right, we have no idea what the world will look like five years from now. Technology is constantly changing and improving. We do not know what kind of jobs there will be either, because of this constant change.
Children are so creative. Mr. Robinson said that children grow out of creativity, because they are afraid of being wrong. We should encourage children to use their creativity and to not be afraid of it. He also stated in public eduaction arts and music are always at the bottom of the list. I think that music and art should be taught just as often as math and science is taught.

Harness Your Students Digital Smarts
I loved this video. I think that Mrs. Davis' was of teaching is amazing. We need to be teaching students how to use technology. Today so many things have to do with technology and if we do not teach children how to use it they will be lost. Students need to be comfortable using todays technology.
Not only does technology teach, it is a way to stay connected with students and people all over the world. When I graduate and have a classroom of my own, I hope to be able to do what Mrs. Davis does. She lets her students google their questions that they have, she does not just give them all of the answers. Her students are also able to teacah her new things.