Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blog Assignment #2

Did You Know Video
I thought that this video was so cool. Its amazing how someone could know all of those facts. I liked the song and how the video was presented. This video was very well made, I loved all of the graphics that were used.
The most interesting fact that I saw on the video was that, China will soon be the number one english speaking country in the world. China is such a big country and its amazing to think how many people live there. I wonder why so many speak english and not chinese?

Mr. Winkle Wakes Up
I thought that this video was very funny. When Mr. Winkle awakes he finds that so many things have changes about the world. Its crazy to think that 100 years ago the world was much different than what it is today. We are so obsessed with technology today that most of us would not have survived back then.
One thing that has not changed is the school. Mr. Winkle goes to the school and sees that the students are bored and listening to their teacher lecture, he does see a dusty computer in the very back of the classroom. I think it's sad that some teachers are still not using technology in their classrooms. Children, when monitored, could learn so many things from the internet. Technology not only would help children learn, it would make their day more interesting.

The Importance of Creativity
I though that Ken Robinson was absolutley right, we have no idea what the world will look like five years from now. Technology is constantly changing and improving. We do not know what kind of jobs there will be either, because of this constant change.
Children are so creative. Mr. Robinson said that children grow out of creativity, because they are afraid of being wrong. We should encourage children to use their creativity and to not be afraid of it. He also stated in public eduaction arts and music are always at the bottom of the list. I think that music and art should be taught just as often as math and science is taught.

Harness Your Students Digital Smarts
I loved this video. I think that Mrs. Davis' was of teaching is amazing. We need to be teaching students how to use technology. Today so many things have to do with technology and if we do not teach children how to use it they will be lost. Students need to be comfortable using todays technology.
Not only does technology teach, it is a way to stay connected with students and people all over the world. When I graduate and have a classroom of my own, I hope to be able to do what Mrs. Davis does. She lets her students google their questions that they have, she does not just give them all of the answers. Her students are also able to teacah her new things.


  1. Watch for a post on the class blog about the math. I do not think you were told that they spoke only English. You don'y have to know facts anymore. You just have to be able to find them.

  2. No Sir, in the video they did not say only english! I do not know what I was thinking!! You are also right it is all about finding the facts, not knowing them!

  3. I also agree with you Kindra that it is weird that the biggest country in Asia will be the number one English speaking country. I believe children would learn a great deal more if we used computers more often in class room settings. All children are interested in computers, so I think they would be more interested in doing their homework on the internet. In "Importance of Creativity" the speaker was right in every thing he said it was brutal but true. We need to let the children express themselves more often and maybe we will learn something from them. In Mrs. Davis's class room the children were open to so many technological opportunities that helped them succeed in her class room, I wish I would have had a teacher like that in high school to teach me how to search for answers.

  4. Kindra! My name is Kathryn Buchanan, and I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I wanted to say a few things about your comment referring to "The Importance of Creativity." You mentioned that music and art are just as important as math and science. I have sang and been in a choir for as long as I can remember. So, I have also studied music too. I have benefited more than I can say from learning music. In music, we learn to how to count, pronunciation, different languages, vocal strategy, how to use our vocal chords and mouth, etc... If you ask me, we use every subject in music. We use English, Math, Science, and History. It is obvious how important music and the arts are.
