Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Assignment #6

The Networked Student
I really liked the way that this video was set up. The humming at the beginning was funny. I also liked how the paper was used to tell the story. The drawings were also very good.
This video was so cool, I really enjoyed it! The way that his class and teacher was used, is kind of how EDM310 is set up. Dr. Strange is teaching us the same skills his teacher was using. He is teaching us how to be connected to the world! I agree that college, maybe even some high school classes should be run like this. However, I think that elementary and middle school children should be in a classroom with a teacher they see everyday.
I believe that EDM310 is preparing me to be a teacher of the networked student. I have learned so many new things through EDM310, that so many children already know how to use. We as teachers need to be prepared, the world and technology is changing everyday, and we need to know how to use it.

7th Grader PLN
I agree that a student must be responsible with technology. A student with so much freedom with technology needs to learn responsibility. There are so many distractions on the internet, it is kind of hard to keep on task. I like how she gets to decide how, and when she does her assignments. This student was very organized and prepared.

The Machine is Changing Us
This video was very intresting. He brought up so many things. I for one dont understand the obsession with American Idol, like him. The television is a daily part of the lives of people. I really liked his brief history of whatever. Whatever has so many definitions. I also agree that one must create our own identity and recognition. The videos he used were very funny.


  1. I agree with you that elementary students need to be in an actual classroom. The interactions with teachers and peers is very important for their development. I will go on a limb here and say that even some middle school classes could be taught somewhat online. I think online classes teach a student organization and responsibility.
    I also liked the history of whatever! I thought that was a very unique and interesting way to grab people's attention.

  2. You are correct. EDM is intended to be a connected learning experience. I am glad you recognized it! I think we will always need guides, co-learners. In EDM310 the lab assistants play a key role as do our promise to answers emails, text messages, the C$ series of activities, etc. within 24 hours as well as all of the comments and interactions we have with students on their blogs. But the most important part of the process is the learning community in the lab among students -for those who participate!

    We need to teach our students to be responsible in everything they do!

    I will have a post on the class blog soon about The Machine Is Changing Us.
