Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog Post #8

This is How we Dream Part 1&2
I agree that we do not work with pencils and paper anymore. We use our laptops for everything now. I take mine with me everywhere! Most of my teacher want work turned in electronically. You can do research in not just the library now. We can do all of our research online now.
We share knowledge and collaborate with people all over the world. Things online are changing and updating constantly. The best thing about the internet, is that you can do research and things for free. Resources and teachers who are willing and inspired are necessary though.
Today, you have to be able to write and work with multimedia. EDM310 is teaching me this. Its amazing how many teachers there are who blog. I had no idea! I do believe that my students will be able to do this. Students just need the resources and teacher who want to help them.

SmartBoard Arguments
The two critiques i thought were insane! I do not understand how someone does not think smart boards are not useful. I do agree that smart boards are expensive, but it enables teacher to be able to save things on the whiteboard. I went and observed my sister who is a teacher at Meadowlake, and her students love it! When I went, they were working on time and she drew on the smart board a clock and drew arrows to times. Her students absolutley loved it. I know she could have done this on a chalkboard, but it is more fun drawing on the smartboard. I do believe that before teachers are given a smart board, they must have traning on how to use it. A blog that I found about smart boards was This blog gives teachers fun ideas on how how to use their smart boards.

1 comment:

  1. What about an iPad for every student instead of a smart board/ Which would you choose?

    Where is your post about the EDMN310 videos?
